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A letter to President OBAMA

I have seen bad presidents but no one like you. From Carter who was horrible in everything he has ever done, well except maybe the Israeli Egyptian peace plan. To Clinton who was more interested in having sexual relations with his intern than what was really going on in the world. But you President Obama is the worst of the worst. Two terms and you have done nothing good. Well except maybe the GM bail out.
You let terrorists loose from Gitmo prison so they can go back to fight the American troops all over the world.
You let Syria use chemical weapons on their own people and you did nothing about it.
You pulled the troops from Iraq and let Isis evolves and becomes the worst terrorist organization ever. Oh ya, you authorized air strikes which till this day, has not done much. And made all our troops not so happy with you.
You let Christians get slaughtered in Iraq and let the Middle East becomes a ticking bomb.
You refused to call the terrorists by what they are: RADICAL MUSLIMS!!!
You did nothing when Russia invaded Ukraine and you let Russia do whatever they want.
You said Yemen is a symbol of democracy and the model of winning the war against terrorists, while Yemen now became a country controled by terrorists whom Iran backs up.
You alienated Israel because you have personal issues with the Prime Minister and you are not a fan of Israel maybe? at least he got balls when it comes to terrorists.
And now you got a pathetic deal with Iran. Giving Iran Billions of dollars so they can give it to
all the terrorists they support and to help them with their nuclear dreams!!!
Iran who wants Israel to disappear off the map and Iran who wants to kill all Americans.
Did you forget what happened to the American embassy in Iran?
Did your forget who killed all the Marines in Lebanon?
You stand and you shed fake tears just because you have an issue with the second amendment when your great city of Chicago has the thoughest gun control laws and the crime is out of control!!!
It is sick to know that you put the rainbow flag on the White House as fast as possible but it
took you Days before you lowered the flag on top of the White House when we lost brave soldiers that got shot by a pshyco Muslim. That is the most disgusting thing you ever done!
Mr President, enough is enough. You made this country look so weak.
You divided this country so bad by so many ways. 
Shame on you for standing by and doing nothing when people and soldiers from all over the world are dying.  All these lives are on YOU!!!
You are the Divider in Chief!


Chris Kyle: True  American Hero


Chris Kyle is a Real American Hero!!!

4 tours into Iraq and over 160 kills. Saved so many American lives.

He came home for good but had to fight many mental issues from the war.

He decided to go to VA hospitals and help veterans which helped him overcame his mental battles. He finally was living a normal life.

Until that day when he was shot in the back and killed by a fellow veteran he was trying to help.

What a shame and what a loss for his family and humanity.

He was a great man. He was a True American Hero.

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