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 KKK, Neo-Nazis, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA

ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, Neo-Nazis and KKK have a lot in common.

They are ALL full of racism violence and hate.

Anyone who says that one is better than the other is ignorant.

There is no room for any of them in civilized societies. 

And if you are a part of one of them, consider yourself a low life scumbag. 

No race is better than the other. 

We All matter!

We are All equal and we are All flawed. 

Live and Let Live!!!


People complaining about their neighbor for putting up the American flag or putting too many flags is a JOKE.  Anyone who has an issue with the Flag, should be deported. It makes me sick we still have people doing that and that authorities allow it. This is the United States of America and the flag is the symbol of what this country represents.  People should be thankful for being in this country and for the freedom we are blessed with. And one more thing, burning the flag should be a Crime! 

My yard, My house, My Flag, My Rights!!! You don't like it? GET THE HELL OUT!


Christians Muslims and Jews got their hard line terrorists.  But why is it that most terrorists are Muslims? From my own experience and without being bias,

i can shed a light on this subject. The Islamic religion may not teaches to go and kill people but it is a very uptight and closed minded religion.  In general, when

a poor Muslim sees all the freedoms and the activities that are not acceptable in his/her religion, He/she grows up to dislike the Western style of life and specially the United States. Muslim extremist usually twist the Islamic religion and feed people with lies to make them become terrorists. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of great nice Muslim people out there but the sad part is there is more bad. I have seen and lived the Islamic terror for 17 years in Lebanon.

It was simple, if you were Christian, then you are the enemy.

Muslim terrorist from Afganistan to Iran and from other arab countries, launched many suicidal mission all over the world for so many years. But 9-11-2001 was the biggest Muslim terror act ever. People from all religions were killed at the twin towers. But Bin Laden justified that somehow?

The scumbags terrorists that caused all the horrible things in France were screaming the name of their Prophet when all they  were doing is killing people in the name of their religion.













It is ok for terrorists to chop people's heads off on video, burning people alive, and slaughtering

Christians in Iraq is acceptable but using force to interrogate terrorists is a crime and against humanity. Some say that torture is against what this country stands for and getting close to terrorists and create some kind of a relation with them would make them talk. Serioulsy??? These are the guys who were behind 9-11 and other horrific crimes and you excpect them to talk by befriending them??? These people want all Americans dead and they would do anything to achieve that. The sad part is that the Democrats in this country spent $50 million dollars to tell the world that the CIA tortured these poor terrorists without getting ANY good leads from them, which i found to be a big lie. Bin Laden was found and killed thanks to the CIA and the brave men and women of the military.

 I am so disgusted with Democrates and all Polticians because they would do anything to make another party look bad in any way possible.

You are worried about the way the terrorists were treated? Every time i think of 9-11, i get sick to my stomach because i saw the whole thing live on tv. How do you think the families and friends of the victims feel? Service men and women from all military branches died to keep us safe and chase all these terrorists.

Next time anyone says anything about the way the terrorists were treated, i want you to go and visit the twin towers memorial in NYC, and i want to say it to the parents of the 132 Kids that got shot to death in a school in Pakistan.

Enough said. Thank you.


What a joke! Hiring more IRS agents so recover all the bad wasteful spending the government is engaging in is shameful. Pretending that you are only going after the rich is simply evil. Rich people got lawyers and they got tricks to avoid taxes. 

The government is going after the working class, period. Going from $20k to $600 to get taxed on any side income proves that the middle class will get the IRS after them right and left, to collect anything and everything that will never cover all that stupid spending. 

Maybe you should hire more school security guards instead! 

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