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Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Drugs


Anyone who still smokes Cigarettes is an IDIOT!!!

YES i said it! After everything we know these days, Cigarettes are Bad for you and they are nothing but a waste of money.

Anyone who drinks till they pass out or lose control is an IDIOT!!!

I don't care how old you are or if you think that getting drunk or wasted is fun, the truth is Alcohol can cause you to lose your life or someone else's life.

Drugs are the worst of the worst!!!

Doing drugs is like killing yourself slowly. The Addiction is horrible and it is so hard to fight it.

At the end of the day and if you have any brains, you should know that all these things are bad for you and stop giving excuses and b.s. on how you have no choice or how you can't stop.

Stop, Think, and Don't DO IT!!!

Weak America is Unacceptable!!!


First, let's close Gitmo prison and let terrorists go back to their country and fight against the United States. Then, let's not torture terrorists and treat them in a friendly way, even though they have killed 3000 people on september 11, and they chop people's head off and burn people alive. Now, let's take our time, be vague and take our time on how to defeated them as they grow stronger. Let's take our time in helping Ukraine, or maybe think that we should help them with "defensive weapons", and let Russia do what they started in helping Russians separatists by giving them everything they want to take over Ukraine. Oh wait, let's not forget that the Russians separatists already took over a part of Ukraine called "Crimea"!!!

All this passiveness shows America as weak in the eyes of terrorists and the world, and that is Unacceptable!!!

Enough with the b.s. and take action! Bring the iron fist and show the whole world that freedoms and laws matter in this world! The world is falling apart and action is needed Now!!!



Israel vs. Iran:  Civilization vs. Terrorism 


A lot of people do not like Jews or Israel because they think that all Jews care about is themselves. On the other hand, you have Iran who cares about terrorism and spreading their Islamic Jihad all over the world.

Without Israel in the Middle East, Radical Islam and terrorism would rule the Middle East.

Iran wants Israel off the map. The Whole world knows that. Genocide is what Iran want. And that is Unacceptable!!! Iran should Never Ever has any Nuclear

weapon in any shape or form!!!

On the other hand, Israel is a civilized democratic country. The Jews are the smartest peope in the world!

Did we forget how many American people and soldiers were killed by Iranian regime???

Wake up people, we would be in a world war 3 if it is not for Israel standing up for Iran.

If it is up to Iran, the whole world would be ruled by radical Islam!!!

The whole civilized world should stand against Iran in one voice and say enough is enough. The strong will of the Jewish people and the State of Israel will always stand against all the Terrorism in this world.


So Hillary wrote a book.

A book of why she lost. 

She is Blaming Everyone BUT herself. Really???

Wow. Ignorant stuck up typical politician.

She insulted more people than ever in her so called book. 

She Called Trump a Creep, among other things, cause he was too close on stage with her according to her where actually he was NOT.

And she is all over tv to promote her trash i mean book?

Oh ya sales are no good. 

I think we are sick and tired of seeing her face and listening to her B.S.

Just GO Away already.

Oh ya the book is called: What Happened. 

YOU Happened. 

End of Story!!!


Hillary and her BOOK
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